This page is a publicly accessible register of all projects that have been approved by the independent NPS MedicineWise Data Governance Committee. Information in these project summaries have been copied directly from the data access application form submitted by applicants (internal and external) that were reviewed and approved by the Committee.
Further information about each project can be obtained from applicants directly via the contact details listed in the below research summaries.
What type of data do approved projects receive?
All approved projects are provided with non-identifiable data (i.e. data that has undergone a process of de-identification prior to storage in MedicineInsight, and no longer falls within the definition of personal information) that is proportional to the aims and objectives of a project via a secure access mechanism.
Further information about the type of data available to applicants through the MedicineInsight program is available for review.
What projects does this page include?
This page only lists applications that have been approved by the Data Governance Committee. Applications that are not approved (for reasons below) are not listed.
Applications that are approved by the Committee must meet a robust criteria of assessment. Some of these conditions include the requirement for a project to:
- Have a risk profile of low and negligible risk.
- Meet an acceptable secondary use purpose. For example, research, public health policy and strategy, health promotion, clinical decision support at the population level, supporting safety and quality of patient care, service delivery planning, quality and safety measurement and/or provider certification or accreditation.
- Present a clear data sharing purpose of the project and description of data to be shared.
- Include a statement of how the project will serve the public interest.
- Include a statement of how appropriate consumer and clinical representation will be sought.
- Disclose any conflicts of interest (including financial or non-financial).
- Describe the final output of the project, including any plans to disseminate findings.
- Detail the privacy and security arrangements that are in place to ensure data is used and stored in a safe and secure way with appropriate retention and disposal standards followed.
Applications that do not meet the criteria above or involve the below activities (considered by the RACGP to be excluded purposes of general practice data) are not approved by the Committee:
- Commercial purposes not linked to the goal of improving patient care.
- Certain forms of performance management.
- Publicly benchmarking practices or individual health professionals.
- Establishing pay-for-performance systems.
- Revalidation or credentialing of health professionals.
- Low-quality or unethical research.